Herschel Infrared Case Studies Heating solution for Hot Yoga

Heating solution for Hot Yoga

Heating a hot yoga studio with Herschel summit heaters

"Since having our Herschel Infrared heaters it has made a huge difference. We are very happy with them."


Lolli from Thaxted Yoga came to us looking for a heating solution for her Hot Yoga studio; the studio has been built inside an old converted barn situated in the middle of plots of farmland. The barn is very poorly insulated, meaning heat can very easily escape from the building. The studio also has an engineered floor that is prone to getting cold, especially in winter.


Due to the high temperatures needed in Hot Yoga studios (33°C – 40°C) combined with the poor insulation of this converted barn, we knew we needed a powerful solution that could combat the loss of heat in the winter months. Our Summit heaters work particularly well in this scenario. They’re completely zero-light, meaning they can be discreet and not draw attention away from the room and keep yoga classes focused on instructors. Their high power ensures the room stays at the required temperature,  thermostatically controlled so the instructors are in constant control of the temperature of the room, as dictated by their hot yoga schedules. In this particular studio we fitted three Summits to ensure the room had the sufficient levels of heat to achieve the desired temperatures.


“Since having our Herschel Infrared heaters it has made a huge difference. We have them mounted on the wall and the room heats up very nicely and the way we have the heaters set up on brackets facing down, even the floor gets warm. We are very happy with them.”

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